Monday, March 31, 2014

Five Miles (Gypsy Brothers 3) by Lili Saint Germain

I received an ARC copy in return for my honest review!
"Burnt out, shattered, breaking apart under the weight of my lies- and I still have five to go."
Holly shit Batman I did not think that this series could get any better but I was so wrong!!
I could not handle what Sammi has to go through to reach her goal of revenge. There is no way I could willingly sleep with the guy that hurt me and tried to kill me, but Sammi is one tough chick. Dornan still believes Sammi's lies but Jase is starting to get suspicious of the stories she is telling. Elliott wants Sammi to end this right now because he believes she is loosing herself on her road to revenge.
Elliott comes up with a great plan to take them all out but there is just one problem with the plan. He wants her to kill Jase too but she would never be able to do that to him. Sammi goes through with the plan but it does not work out like her and Elliott though it would. The ending leaves you hanging and screaming NOOOOO it can't be over yet!!  
I love this series because there is a ton of action and drama in every book. Sammi is a badass chick that is not whiney and fights to avenge her father's death and what was done to her. My only hope is that she does not become a monster herself in the process. I can't wait for Four Score to come out in May. This 5 star book will have you coming back for more!!
Happy Reading

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